The short story of DiversiGO

“ - You know, I think traveling and discovering the unknown is one of the most important things. It has helped me realize how many stories and how much beauty life holds.
- I completely agree! In fact, I also believe that the more people experience this, the better world we can live in.”

This conversation led Emese and Martin, a well-traveled Hungarian couple to the founding of DiversiGO, who always knew that there is a lot to do about inclusivity even at their world-famous hometown, at Budapest, Hungary.

Determined to make a change, they partnered with professional tour guides, consultants, and communities with special needs to create DiversiGO—the first truly inclusive company providing sightseeing in Hungary.

Today, DiversiGO welcomes individual travellers and works with partners who also have progressive values and find inclusivity important. Our carefully selected guides ensure that all members of the private groups, including wheelchair users and visually impaired people, can fully enjoy the experience.

With five thoughtfully designed and tested routes and the ability to customize tours upon request, DiversiGO is committed to making everyone’s discovery of Budapest an unforgettable experience.

Premier partners

Even Grounds logo

Even Grounds

An USA based accessibility consultant, the owner of Even Grounds has been giving us many tips from the beginnings and also came to test our tour.

Read his article about us


MVGYOSZ, the Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted has been helping us throughout our journey from initial sensitivity trainings until final testings of our tours.

Read their article about us
LASS logo

LÁSS Association

LÁSS, the Freetime and Sport Association of the Visually Impaired has been helping us designing the best experiences in their community.

Read their post about us

Company information

Company name: DiversiGO Kft.

Corporate registration number: 01 09 421420

Tax identification number: 32387126-1-41

Headquarter: Széchenyi utca 46., 1028 Budapest, Hungary

Phone number: +36 20 242 2020

Email address: